Parent Resources

The Third Path
At Vimy this year we are implementing the Third Path, a relationship based approach to student well being. The Third Path focuses on building relationships, and misbehaviour is seen as being a result of one of the eight conditions not being met. The eight conditions are: Safety, Regulation, Belonging, Positivity, Engagement, Identity, Mastery and Meaning. While this approach is designed for use in schools, there are many strategies and skills that can be used by parents at home. 
Read on for strategies relating to each condition. 

Condition one - Safety
This condition refers to the safe and secure relationships that children make, with their parents, and at school, with their teachers. As parents we begin to form attachments with our children from the moment they are born. When they cry, we comfort them, When they are hungry, we feed them, We hold them, talk to them and play with them. All these things help a child to grow up feeling safe and confident that their needs will be met. There is always a reason for children's behaviour. The approach that we have learned as parents and teachers is the behavioural perspective - rewards and consequences. If a child misbehaves they get a time out. If they do a good job they get a sticker. But the relational approach asks - what are the needs the child is trying to meet with this behaviour? 
In order to help our children develop the sense of safety that comes with having a healthy attachment,  means that we must:
Be a secure base - be consistent, be calm, control your own big emotions, be playful
Be Authentic - be yourself, if you make a mistake apologize for it, ensure that your body language and actions match what you say
Demonstrate Compassion - listen carefully to your child, imagine what your child is going through, encourage your child to think about how other people are feeling, be compassionate towards yourself
Be Consistent - maintain high, but realistic expectations for your child, make your rules clear and enforce them consistently, use natural consequences
Be Attuned and Responsive - make sure your child gets more positive than negative attention, know when to listen, give children opportunities to feel valued, competent and successful

Check out this website about 5 ways to build attachment with your children

Games to build attachment with young children

big feelings

Parent Night - Helping Your Child with Big Feelings and Behaviour
Tantrums? Meltdowns? Wondering how to cope? Check out the recording of our parent night on how to help children manage  big feelings like anger, sadness, and anxiety, and how these feelings impact behaviour. Learn more about the Third Path approach that we are using in our school.

watch the video here

Look at the slides here - and scroll to the bottom for resources!

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